
 lost focus       lost motivation     stress eating RESULT ==>  gain weight !!!!! Isn't it funny, when you are on a diet, losing weight, feeling successful but miserable because you can't whatever you want. you give up your diet and exercise habits, gain 20+ pounds, and still felling like poop,  what is the correct thing to do?  ==> back to basics and good habits - track everything you put in your mouth - exercise, walk, be active - drink more water - LOVE MYSELF FIRST  MAY/16/ 2023 

Changes eating plan on January 11/2021

  After struggling with weight loss, after lost my first 50 lb, I decided to change to another weight watchers plan. Since August 2020, my weight is fluctuating on 5lb up and down.  I was on WW- green plan, where I lost my first 50lb.  Today I changed to purple, where there is 300 different zero point foods, including some that I have to be very careful not overeat.  Let’s see what will happen. Wish me luck !!

A new Why,

Lost my focus, no tracking and zero motivation. I know what I supposed to do and not doing it.  The scale is going up and I’m freaking out!!!! Instead of fixing the problem, I hurt the people I love at moments they were very vulnerable. I regret and apologize, asked for help and change my attitude.  I was looking on my notes what’s my WHY, because I don’t remember. And I couldn’t find it… When I found them, all are focusing on pleasing people and changing myself to people like me, those are the wrong reasons, and I can see now why everything is upside down   

A Letter to my body

Hello Body  First, I want to apologize for being so negligent and not paying attention on you for many years.  You are everything for me, and I didn’t care.  Well, sometimes I did,  starting a diet and sooner something happen in my life, I used as excuse to fall of the wagon and gain all the weight back again and some more... On September 2019, you know, I had a wake up call of my heaviest weight and other things going  on with my life, I was really depressed, bitter and sad. All my life I was fat, last 20 years, obese or morbid obese. But, with not health issues, blood tests perfect, no diabetic problems either, why bother?  I’m glad October 2019 I decided to start to get my life back and took action: exercise, Eating healthy, and loving myself again (still working on this part) In one year,    I lost 50lb and need maybe little more to complete my goal weight.  Today, a year later, more than half way of losing all weight I need, sometimes I feel sad, because I thought things would be

January 1st 2021 - Happy New Year 🎊

  Jumped on the scale today and no weight loss for 3 days !! What the heck!  I am :  .  tracking honestly,  . walking my 10,000 steps daily, .  drinking my water                                         and nothing... Let’s start again, I lost 49.6lb since I restarted my weight loss journey on October 2019.  My goal/plan was finish 2020 with 50lb loss, but it didn’t happen... Yeah, I am frustrated, of course, but at this time I won’t jump on food to eat my frustrations  !!  I worked too hard to be where I am now and I’m planning on not going back to the old me. I will keep going, maybe working out more, maybe changing my meals -food choices. You should be thinking 🤔 it’s only 3 days.... I know ..... but I wanted so bad 😔 to lose those 50 lb! I know I will get there and more weight off, my plan is more 25lb and probably reach my weight goal.